Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Boy, A Baby and a Lollipop

Once upon a time, a nice boy with blue eyes and freckles went to the candy store. He had saved his money and had waited several weeks for this day to come. Today he would choose a well earned and much anticipated treat.
The little boy was excited as he looked over the rows and barrels of candy. He looked at the ropes of braided licorice, he looked at the bags of brightly colored bubble gum. After careful review, he selected a large rainbow lollipop.

It's not every day that you get to slowly devour a sweet of this magnitude.

These types of delicacies are rare.

His plan was to take his time, lick by lick, and make the sugary pleasure last for days.
The boy found a shady spot to privately begin his journey toward a new cavity.

SUDDENLY, he was spotted!
A small child with silly hair and two teeth immediately recognized what that swirl of colors on a stick was.

MMMM MMMM she said with a smile.

OH NO he gasped as he quickly tried to conceal himself from her view.

She peered around the side of the stroller, her eyes big, her mouth watering.

MMMM MMMM she squealed.

Just ONE lick he sighed.

MMMM MMMM MMMM she replied.

OK but this is all you get, he resolved.
MMMMMMMMMM she pleaded.

So, the boy began taking turns. A taste for him, a taste for her.

But, this was not good enough for the small child. She wanted to hold the sucker and have it all to herself.
NO! This is my lollipop said the boy firmly.

Tears filled the small child's eyes, her bottom lip turned downward in sadness.

The boy looked at her silly hair and her two teeth and his heart began to melt.

Without a spoken word, he gave the little girl his much anticipated, well earned lollipop.
Then he gently kissed her forehead and rubbed her silly hair.

The little girl looked at the boy with grateful acceptance of such a treasured gift.
Although she could not speak, the love in her eyes was thank you enough.


Scarehaircare said...

When this sweet tale comes out in book form, will you please autoigraph my copy?

Anonymous said...

I have to agree, when I read it I thought it would make a very sweet children's book.

Something to think about!

Julie Jones said...

Lincoln is such a sweetheart! It looks like she has him wrapped around her ity bity finger!

Aimee said...

Although Lincoln's unselfishness was commendable, Kimberly's ability to let the kids share germs like that was also commendable!

Lincoln Farrell and Marilyn Barlow said...

Well Lincoln, this is just the beginning of how girls will run your life.

Tiffany said...

Cute story! You have a gift for writing! Lincoln is a great brother!