Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Not Sew Easy

Today is a day of procrastination and dread.
Today I will feel shame, guilt and frustration.
Today I will be reminded that I am not the homemaker I aspire to be.

Today I must alter three dance costumes for Rachel.

That sounds like an easy task to most moms. After all, it is only a few tacks and tucks.
For me, it is difficult.

I don't know why sewing is so intimidating to me. I am a pretty confidant person most of the time. I can usually figure out how to do things when I put my mind to it.

Case in point: I wanted our family room painted. No small feat considering it is two stories high.

I tried the tallest ladder I could find, not tall enough.
I tried the tallest ladder I could find on top of the kitchen table, NOT a good idea.

Mark was in Boston on a business trip so he was no help.

Hmmm I said to myself, there must be a way to get this job done.
An idea popped into my head......

I went to Home Depot, rented their little truck, rented a bunch of scaffolding, came home, figured out how to set it up (it's like a giant version of tinker toys) and started painting. It took me four solid days, but I did it.

A girl with those kinds of credentials should be able to sew on an occasional button or cub scout patch right? WRONG.
I've tried. My buttons look terrible and they are only valid for a one time use. The patches come lose almost immediately even with glue on the back.

It is not completely my fault. I have enablers in my life. Grandma is an ace seamstress but she is in Africa.

Roni has been Grandma's replacement. She has graciously mended holes, replaced buttons and sewn patches.
When Mark needs something done, he doesn't even ask me, he just hangs it on the door to take to Roni.

It's embarrassing. It's not right. My pioneer ancestors would be ashamed.

So, I am attempting to alter these costumes myself.
"Are you sure you can do it, Mom?" was Rachel's response
"You better just send them to Roni", Mark advised.

I'm not offended by their lack of faith.
I am determined by it.
Wish me luck, I have a feeling I'll need it.


Melissa said...

I couldn't help but leave a comment on your blog. You probably don't even remember me....we went to High School together. My maden name is Johnson. And I married Todd Jones from our year too, if that helps. Anyway, I am good friends with the Barlows (Christie and Carrie)---maybe Mark will remember me? (And I served on Seminary Council with Kirsten--tell her Hi by the way). And I hope you don't mind that I read your blog. I love it! You are always very inspiring.

All that aside, I just wanted you to know that I can TOTALLY relate to the "no sewing" thing. I have 5boys and I pretty much ignore the patches. So trust me, you can't be worse than me. (My poor children). At least you're going to try....I wouldn't even dare! :)

Julie Jones said...

You not good at something?? I don't believe it! I'm sure it will turn out great! I, on the other hand have had too many sewing disasters to count.

Lincoln Farrell and Marilyn Barlow said...

I am so very proud of you!!!

michele84084 said...

Heehee! Oh Kim- I totally related. Sewing anything makes me panic and feel like a very large man is sitting on my chest. We're smart woman, right? How could something as small as a needle and thread be SO scary?

Tiffany said...

Kimberly, I love reading your blogs. You are a very good writer!