Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Favorite Things

I missed Oprah's "Favorite Things" program this year. I usually try to catch it. Watching from my TV at home, I wish that I could be in her audience. It is fun to see everyday people showered with treats, clothes, gadgets and other gifts. It got me thinking......what are my favorite things? I have thought it over the past few days and these are the "things" that made my list:

Long summer days and starry nights
The smell of freshly cut grass
Popsicles on the porch swing with my two favorite nine year olds
Fireworks on the 4th of July
Good morning kisses from my sweetheart, Mark
Lemonade stands
The miracle that is Samantha
Piano and dance recitals
Leading the music in primary
Watching old episodes of "Little House" with my Rachel
The crack of the baseball hitting the bat when Lincoln is up
Pancakes on Saturday morning
Homemade Valentines
A game of Frisbee with my old, gray dog
Outstanding teachers that help mold and shape young minds
The last mile of a long run
Family prayer
Shopping with my mom
Christmas lights
A clean, organized house
Long talks with old friends
After school snacks while hearing about a day in the life of two 4th graders
It's funny how the best things in life don't come wrapped in fancy paper with bows. They come in the simplicity of living. When you stop and think about it, the sweetest things in life aren't things.


amy mena said...

Oh Kimberly, I love your page it's darling! It made me think of the important and special things in life. I love you! your sister, Amy

Scarehaircare said...

Woo-hoo! You are official linked up from my page. I will love reading this. Post more pics soon, please!

Lincoln Farrell and Marilyn Barlow said...

You will be feeding your soul as you write your blog and feeding the rest of us with your tender mercies.

Melissa said...

How fun is this! I want one too! This is really cute!
Isn't life GREAT?!
Love you!