My name is Kimberly. K-I-M-B-E-R-L-Y.
I have a problem.
I am developing a crush on a 17 year old blood sucker named Edward.
It's not actually my fault. I resisted the urge to join in the mania that is Twilight.
I admit to rolling my snobby eyes at moms everywhere in their I heart Edward tee shirts.
Teen fiction? Really? This is what I said to myself.
No thanks. I'm kind of above that. I answered back.
This was my view and I was sticking. to. it.
....Until last week.
All the girls in my family received a VIP invitation to a Twilight party. When you have a dad who is the father of five daughters and grandfather of nine granddaughters, he gets girl stuff.
My dad, with a little help from mom, will be hosting all of us tomorrow night.
Since I refuse to see a movie before I have read the book, I succumbed.
And now, I have joined the ranks of housewives everywhere who sit around in pajamas mindlessly reading while dishes set in the sink, laundry piles up, dental appointments go forgotten and dinners go unmade.
I won't even elaborate on the poor, neglected husband who was chastised last night for trying to fall asleep when I was in the middle of a scary part.
Oh Edward, Edward. Your ice cold grasp has sucked me in.
It's embarrassing. It's juvenile. Pathetic, I know.
I can't help it.
I heart Edward too.