Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My Big Fat Greek Family Reunion

You've met Mark's family, haven't you?
Those calm, well mannered, rule abiders.

Please meet my family....
This is the Douros Clan.
Mark likens them to "My Big Fat Greek Wedding".

Every year on the second Sunday in August we get together for a family reunion of sorts.
I know what's coming, so I apologize to my neighbors in advance.

It begins innocently enough.
Lots of good food.
Catching up with cousins.
The kids hanging out together.

Then we move into a friendly game of water balloon volleyball.
The game starts out civilly.
A couple of water balloons going back and forth.

At some point it escalates to this:

And within a few minutes all heck breaks loose.

The only rule is:
"There ain't no rules!"

Parents attack their own.
Favorite aunts turn into foes.

Angels turn devilish.

There are no loyalties or alliances.
Do not try to hide out in the house.
You will be found and brought to justice.

Even if you're a father, tending your newborn son.
It is funny that you would even try to get away with that excuse!

There is no mercy, even for the resident photographer.
The camera will be removed and you will be soaked, it's that simple.

And as far as taking it easy on a newly engaged, not yet official member of the family?
No, nope and never.
The best thing to do is just grab a bar of soap and save yourself the trouble of showering later.
Yes, we are loud.
Yes we are crazy.
A little un-holy for a Sunday afternoon.
But we are family.

We are bound together
by blood,
by love,

and lots and lots and lots

of water.


Amy said...

Can I become an honorary member of your family! It looks like you guys had a blast!

Emma Barlow said...

That looks so fun "by blood by love and by water!"

Christie said...

Where is Mark in all of this?