Monday, November 30, 2009

Dear Darling Part 2

Dear Darling,
Well, after ten exhausting, back breaking, mind numbing days of work, the rooms are done.

Yes, I know I qualify as a thoughtful and considerate wife in that I managed to pull most of this off while you spent the week eating out at fancy Italian restaurants, snoozing on airplanes, hanging out with your work buddies, working hard on a business trip.

I spared you the headache of assembling a desk, dresser and three IKEA night stands.  I mean seriously, IKEA does not write out directions.  They use PICTURES and only PICTURES for CRYING. OUT. LOUD. You can only imagine how long it took me to get the legs on that desk!

Then there was the fact that I found a discounted Pottery Barn hutch to go on top of that darn cute desk.  
The problem?  It was navy blue and I needed it to be a lovely cream color.  
So I sanded, painted, sanded, painted, sanded, painted.  But look Sweetheart:  It turned out great!

Then there was the never ending paint jobs.  Three rooms in three days.  The taping, spackling, corners, baseboards, closet doors, CEILINGS.   Oh, I saved you a bundle with my free labor.

Please note the beautiful canopy bed in Samantha's room.  I had one picked out from Pottery Barn Kids.  But since 800.00 for a canopy and frame was not exactly in my budget I hit the classifieds.  I could not believe my good fortune when I found one for sale by a nice woman in Springville.  Rachel and I drove an hour each way in a snow storm but for  147.00 it was money well spent!

I hope you won't mind if I mention how difficult it is getting new carpet installed.  All the furniture out, closets emptied, stuff everywhere.  Nothing in its home could send a mildly OCD girl like me over the edge.  But I maintained my composure until the very last hours before you were scheduled to come home from Boston.  

In those final hours, discouragement started to overtake me.  You see, I really did not want you to have to come home to a mess, boxes of furniture to assemble, stuff to move, curtains to hang, beds to put together.  I'm just nice like that.    

I was pondering the sad predicament I had gotten myself into when the doorbell rang....

In walked some of my favorite people ever.  Grandma and Grandpa tackled the dresser and night stands  while Amy and Danny started putting the rooms back together.  It was awesome!  Like an episode of Trading Spaces.  In three hours, we had the rooms done!

You got to come home to a reasonably clean house and a very happy and relieved wife!

So  Darling, the fact that I went $603.36  slightly over budget should really be a non-factor here.  If you had to pay a designer, painter, mover, cleaner, professional shopper, vinyl lettering installer and furniture assembler, you would be nearly broke.

I know how grateful you are.  You've thanked me.  You've hugged me.  You've told me the rooms look great.  But if you wanted to take me out for a steak dinner, sinful dessert and then rub my feet and back for an hour or two, I'll let you.

Sincerely yours,


wylie said...

Oh!! I love what you've done in all three rooms!! You did a fabulous job sanding and repainting that hutch it looks like a perfect match. Way to go Kimberly!

Aimee said...

Holy cow. This reminds me of a two-week period in the summer when we did new carpet and paint. Moving EVERYTHING out is so crazy and hard. I can't believe you did it without Mark. You must be utterly exhausted! They look beautiful!

Terry said...

You totally crack me up! You are right though, all in all, Mark got a great deal! I think he knows it. The rooms are awesome!

Anna said...

Decorating! Such fun!

And I hope you get that steak dinner with sinful dessert.

Laural said...

Love it!! Want to come to my house next? :)

Jenny said...

Looks great. I still don't know where you get all of your energy:).

Marianne said...

A little makeover - how fun! We need to recarpet our upstairs and -like you - the thought of moving all the furniture makes me hyperventilate.