Thursday, December 24, 2009

10 Things I Love About Christmas

1.  Lights.  I love Christmas lights.  Our circle is aglow this year!  We even put a few lights on the vacant house next door.  There is something warm and magical about a home decorated with lights.

2. Cards.  I love opening the mailbox to a stack of Christmas cards!  I love to see pictures of old friends.  I love family letters.  I love to hear about the wonderful things your kids are doing.  I ran out of time and didn't get a card out this year but I appreciate the cards we have received, we treasure each one.

3.  Recitals.  I love hearing the twins and the other kids in the neighborhood play.  They are all fantastic!

4.  Christmas music.  Especially our ward choir, they really should put out a cd.

5.  Decorating the Christmas tree and then watching my favorite two year old re-decorate it.

6. Traditions.  I love making gingerbread houses with all the cousins.  I love the rule that for each candy you put on the house, you get to eat one!


7.  Treats.  I love the ding dong of the doorbell.  The cookies and candy, chocolate milk, fudge, popcorn balls, caramel apples.  So what if we're eating 6,364 calories a day.  We'll figure that out in January.

8.  Love at home Thursdays.  Love. This.


9.  Family.  Our greatest gift.  Gathering around the Christmas tree.  Talking, laughing, playing games, watching Christmas movies, going to plays.  Just being together.  Wishing I could keep them little, yet loving the people the are growing up to be.  Gratitude for health and happiness.

10.  The Baby whose birth we celebrate.  The life He lived, the sacrifice He made. The ability to repent, to change to be forgiven, to know Him, to become like Him and then to return to Him.

I love Christmas.


Melissa said...

You have such a beautiful family. It's so fun reading your blog. I am always uplifted. Merry Christmas to you guys. And tell Mark "Hi" from us.

Melissa said...

Great post. Ditto to all of it!