Sunday, December 20, 2009

Merry Crazi-ness

As previously mentioned on this blog, 
I come from a family of nuts.
I say that in the most loving sense of the word.
There is an up-side to coming from a crazy family......
They know how to have fun.

Christmas time brings family parties
and family parties bring gifts
and gifts in my family bring things like....

Travel Supplies including a little something for irregularity.

Holiday-style nursing pads.

A camping Snuggie, stocked matches, marshmallows, first aid kit, water, newspaper, roasting sticks, toilet paper, toothbrush, tissue

and all other necessities for the trip.

A lovely holiday sweater to wear on Christmas Eve.

And an all-occasion wreath (Valentine's Day, July 4, Easter, Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Mardi Gras and balloons to blow up for birthdays) complete with a 
portrait of the decorator.

But the grand prize,
one of a kind,
Mac Daddy of all presents.....

The golden throne.
Custom painted and adorned with jewels.


Merry Crazi-ness and a Happy New Year.


Angela said...

Looks like fun! My family is nuts as well (as you can probably tell by my personality) and I just love it! We had a funny Christmas party tonight- super fun! Glad to know other Barlow's are crazy too.

Terry said...

That is truly a hideous holiday sweater! LOL You have given me some great ideas for our family party on Wednesday. ;) Thanks!