Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The American Dream

We have a new President!

No matter who got your vote yesterday, you had to be moved by the scenes across the country last night as people celebrated Barack Obama's victory.

History was made. People of all colors united. A feeling of optimism swept through cities everywhere.

My mom grew up in a small town in North Carolina. She remembers the black kids having to use different drinking fountains, different doors, sit in designated spots in the lunchroom.

We have come a long way in the last forty or so years.

The message sent to children last night is, anything is possible.

No excuses.
This truly is the land of opportunity.
Dream, work hard and you can achieve.


Jenny said...

Even though he did not receive my vote I was very inspired by Obama's acceptance speech. It truly was an amazing night.

Shirlene said...

It was neat that this meant so much to so many people. Especially the black community. It is neat that we've progressed enough as a country, that a man can be elected for who he is, and not his color.
I'm a little scared, though, I must admit. That Obama keeps lowering his income level of who will pay more taxes. That's when the 'work hard and live the american dream' no longer makes sense. It's almost like we're punished because we're successful. I don't agree with redistribution of wealth.
So I guess we'll see what happens over the next four years:)