Friday, November 7, 2008

Help Wanted

Help Wanted:

Someone to break into my house and steal the 20 or so pounds of Halloween candy that my twins collected.

Please come between the hours of 8:00 am - 3:00 pm as they are busy at school.

If you happen by when I'm home, don't worry you will not be reported to authorities.

On the contrary, you will probably receive a personal thank you note from my hips, thighs and the flabby area underneath my arms.

Thank you.


Funk Master B said...

Does this mean you don't want the half bulk bag of Sixlets in my car?

Jana said...

I would be happy to help you out Kimberly but I am drowning under a mountain of candy myself!!!
If someone happens to drop by please give them my address too.

Kimberly said...

WHAAAATT? Sixlets have been hiding in your car? Sixlets are not included in this offer.

Please deliver them at once. Jana and I can snack on them at our next Enrichment mtg.

Melissa said...

My friend got in contact with the Candy Witch. She LOVES candy!! So if you leave her your halloween candy on the doorstep, she'll leave you a small gift. Let me know if you want me to track her down!

We usually donate ours to the classroom at school teacher puts them in her treasure basket for rewards..

Jana said...

Yeah anything to make them a little more exciting!!
Ha ha.