Thursday, May 21, 2009

Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

Remember that silly game show, "Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?"
When I heard about it a couple of years ago I rolled my eyes at such a ridiculous concept.

Really?  I said to myself.
What adult is not smarter than a 5th grader?

Having lived with two 5th graders this school year, I will share five fast ways to know
 if you are indeed  smarter than a 5th grader:

1.  While volunteering in a 5th grade math class, the teacher asks you to do the thirty or so math problems on the board and write your own answers to use as a key.  You glance at the problems that include fractions and solving for "x" and "y".  Panic hits, the feeling of a steel trap gripping your throat sets in.  You try.  You fail.  You wonder if it would be cheating to look on your son or daughter's paper.  You briefly consider pulling the fire alarm to get you out of this mess.  Finally, the teacher asks if you need help.  You admit that you have no idea how to do these equations.  The teacher chuckles and winks and tells 
you that your own children could have completed  the assignment in about ten minutes.   

2. You are no longer able to help your children with their piano pieces.  Instead, they help you with yours.

3.  You and your husband attend "Maturation"  with your 5th graders.  You have the bright idea of going with your son and sending your daughter with her dad.  This seems like a reasonable idea.  After all, you already know everything about being a girl and not so much about being a boy.  Your jaw drops during one particular part of the discussion.  You had no idea, absolutely no idea.

4.  Your 5th graders destroy you in a game of Scrabble.

5.  They give you lessons in how to operate your ipod, cell phone and navigation system in the car.

5.  On a blank map of the United States you fill it in incorrectly, they get all states and their capitals correct.

So the question is....
Are you smarter than a 5th grader?

Deep breath,  slight groan...
Apparently, I'm not.

I have a feeling that it's just downhill from here.


wylie said...

I just love how you write up your posts Kimberly. And now I am nervous for 5th grade...I'll be sure and NOT volunteer during the math portion of class. They are such happy, good looking kids. You are a fabulous mom and sure keep plugged into their lives.

Melissa said...

That was so cute! And hey, I've been to the maturation program too...twice now....and I swear I learned something both times!! What's up with that? Trust me, I get it. AND about the math....luckily I'm an algebra freak, so I'm okay in that area. But the Science? Holy cow! I'd rather do anything else....I'm not smarter than a 5th grader either. You're not alone! :)

Angela said...

You're funny. Don't worry- you used to be that smart too. Then we grow up and find other things to think about all day - like how to type in that data at our jobs - and the stuff like x + 3= 10 just doesn't matter anymore :). Remember when you used to say, when will I ever need to use this? You just answered the question. You were right. It's never! (unless you volunteer for Math at school :P

Marianne said...

I want to know why your jaw dropped - I should know being that I have boys...

Jenny said...

Sometimes I am not even smarter than a 3rd grader. I have been confused more than once with his homework this year. And, that maturation thing, it is an experience!