Thursday, August 20, 2009

He is Mark

He is Daddy.

He is first love.

He is recipient of many, many love notes.

He is golf lover.

He is little league fan.

He is football cheerleader.

He is Pinewood Derby Champ.

He is Buzz Lightyear of Star Command rival.

He is Birthday Cake Maker.

He is Best Buddy.

He is pirate wanna-be.

He is Red Sox Nation

He is a true blue Jazz fan.

He is Hawaiian adventures.

He is love for others.

He is kindness.
He is the soft answer.
He is "only get angry once every ten years or so".
He is strength and leadership.
He is commitment.
He is honesty and integrity.

He is handsome.
He is smart.
He is safety.

He is the best thing that ever happened to me.

He is my Mark and yesterday he turned 40!
Happy Birthday!
I love you.


Melissa said...

Happy Birthday to Mark! Yea! I love birthdays!! 40's are just the beginning, right? :)

wylie said...

Happy Birthday Mark! Hope you enjoyed your day.

As usual Kimberly, I really really enjoy the way your write your posts--what a talent!

Marianne said...

Buzz lightyear was my favorite! I sure hope he got whatever he was shooting at! Happy Birthday President Barlow!`

Jen said...

Happy Birthday Mark! Hope you had a special day.

Scarehaircare said...

Happy birthday little brother! I thought the pis were great but I can't figure out what the pirate is doing among them. That can't be my dignified gracious brother.....