Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Summer, oh Summer

Summer, oh summer....
Where did you go?

You left me alone here in nothing but snow.

I mourn for you, Summer...
I miss your long days,
when sunshine is plenty, and there is no haze.

Popsicles and pool splashes,
boating and naps.

Cook outs with cousins,
flags, sparklers and snaps.

Tan lines on feet and sunscreen on noses,
Freckles on cheeks, and polish on toes-ez.

Parades and blues skies,
lemonade and moon-lit walks,
Pink sunrise runs,
and 2:00 am talks.

Baseball games,
green grass,
and sandals.
Dates with cute husband complete with chocolate and candles.

Water fights and concerts in the park.
White clouds in the day, bright stars in the dark.

Summer, come back here!
I can't wait until June.
My skin is pale white, like a shade of the moon.

I'm choking in smog,
my feet are all frozen,
They sky is too gray,
I hate runny noses.

I know you'll return, on your clock - not mine.
Until that day comes, pardon me if I whine.


Terry said...

I think we all feel your pain! Well said!

Funk Master B said...

Ha! Love my "action" shot. I need to get those photos from you. I too, miss summer, mostly the sun.

Melissa said...

So cute pics and I loved your poem. Did you seriously make that up? Very talented!

Melissa said...

OOOOOH! You're killing me here! This cold weather and beyond pale skin is nearly unbarable!
AWESOME POEM and pics, you are a talented writer. Looking forward to many pool dates again!

Jenny said...

Nice poem! I loved your pictures and you have made me long even more for the warm weather.

Angela said...

Amen! that was awesome! I haven't had good painted toes (still have scraps) in months. What's the point?