Monday, January 11, 2010

Understanding the "Why?"

Have you ever been drawn to do something unusual?
Lead, prodded, pushed, even poked ?

If you're like me, you might waste some time questioning the prompting.
Is that really practical?

This is what has happened to me over the past several months.
The unusual push, prod, poke?
To learn Espanol.

I had been serving in the Spanish Ward of our stake for a year.
I had fallen in love with the people, their language, their various cultures.  I thought maybe that was why I felt so compelled to learn Spanish.
So that I could learn to communicate with my friends.  That had to be it.

I told Mark about the pushing, the prodding, the poking.
In typical supportive-Mark-fashion,  he suggested we order Rosetta Stone and get busy.

I envisioned myself showing up to Primary able to recite the Articles of Faith, understand the lesson and actually playing from the Spanish hymn book instead of the English version.

Now I understood.
Got it....

I was going to stay right there in that ward for a good, long time.
They needed me and I absolutely loved being there.
It was clear.
Wahoo!  I cheered.

You'll never guess what happened a week later.....
I got released from that assignment.

WHAT?  I asked myself.
With that surprise, I felt a little deflated.
Maybe I had just imagined the pushing, the prodding, the poking.

What would be the point of learning Spanish now?
When would I ever use it?
Why spend all that time and effort and money- Rosetta is not a cheap date!

I was a bit confused.
I assumed the pushing, prodding, poking would stop.
I waited for it to disappear but guess what?  It didn't.  In fact, it has only gotten stronger.

I am supposed to learn Spanish.
Why?  I don't know.

But maybe the "why" isn't really important.
Sometimes, part of growing as a person is following those feelings without so many questions.
Just trusting and doing instead of questioning and procrastinating.

So I have begun the long and steady journey of learning a new language.
It's not easy.
I am slow and awkward and I cannot roll my R's for anything.
But I am committed.

And maybe someday,  I will understand the "why".


Scarehaircare said...

I was not able to roll R's until my mid twneties. Give me a call and I will teach your how.

Might I suggest that you will be called as mission president or humanitarian directors to a spanish speaking area. I love how you are learning Spanish right now. Mr. Wonderful and I want to learn Chinese.

Melissa said...

Good for you! But I've gotta say that I'm really glad I'm not being prompted to learn another language! Yipee! (That sounds horrible, doesn't it?). Good luck though. I have no doubt that at some point, you'll know why! :)