Sunday, October 3, 2010

Start Here

Today is a sky blue, hint of fall, early October Sunday.
It also happens to be one of my favorite days of the year.
Members of my faith from around the world will gather in churches and homes to hear messages from our leaders.

We will be given instruction on how to be stronger families, more Christlike neighbors and just better people in general.

We will be inspired to try harder and to do a little better.

We will be reminded that it really is the basics of:
Daily family and individual prayer,
Daily family and individual scripture study,
Attending our church meetings,
Regular temple attendance for those who live  near a temple,
Family Home Evening on Monday nights
And being kind to everyone, especially our own family members.

These are the things that invite the Spirit into our lives.
When we have the Spirit always with us, we want to do good things.
We think of the Savior and want to be more like Him.

When the Savior becomes the central part of our lives and our homes, a transformation starts to happen.  We strengthen ourselves from the evils of the world.  Things like pornography, crude language, dishonesty and envy have no appeal.  We become more grateful, humble and open to correction.

Relationships within our families become closer and conflicts decrease.
We become more committed to doing good and looking for the good in others.
We see the world with happy and optimistic eyes.

When trials come, we have faith.
When we make mistakes, we repent.

In short, today is a day for re-commitment and rejuvenation.
It is a day that shouts, "Start here!"
No matter where we are in this process, we can start right now.

So, let's get started!


Lincoln Farrell and Marilyn Barlow said...

We are getting the live feed here in Uganda tonight - we hope the internet holds and the elctricity stays on and we can experience this event of rejuvanation with you.

Angela said...

Ok seriously- how did you get the signature thing? I love it- and is your hair new? The streaks in the picture on the side? I haven't seen you in months I don't think.

Terry said...

I agree with Angela...cute hair! Great messages over the weekend too. :)