Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Grumpy New Year

Today is probably not the best day to get back on the blog bandwagon.
I'm grumpy, crabby and in an all around bad mood.

I stepped on the scales recently.
When those black squarish digital numbers popped up, my white jiggly, nearly nude self almost fell over.

Must be a low battery, I said out loud.
I kicked the thing, tapped the scale nicely with my foot, and tried again.

Same. Ugly. Numbers.

I yelled for Sami to come in.
She had just been to the doctor with double ear infections and they weighed her.

There it was, 33 pounds.
The same thing she weighed at the doctor.
My scales were accurate.

I shrieked in horror.

No, it was more like this...

It turns out that all my favorite things about December
cinnamon rolls
a jar of chocolate dipping sauce
pecan logs
dipped pretzels & marshmallows
snack mix drizzled with white chocolate
chocolate milk
carmel corn, popcorn balls---
All of those favorite things have decided to stay with me like a good Christmas memory should.
Yes, they have set up camp on my hips, thighs, stomach and that pesky spot underneath my arms.

Oh the agony of natural consequences.

No, more like this:


So yesterday, I took matters into my own pudgy little hands.
This is stopping TODAY, I declared to myself.

For the last 37 hours I have eaten zero treats.
I had a can of slightly dressed up tuna fish for lunch and a bowl of blueberries for a snack.
I completed day one of an extreme exercise program that has left me unable walk, lift or breathe.

Thus, the grumpy, crabby, (completely justified), all around bad mood.

*Note to family*
Today would not be a good day to leave socks or wet towels on the floor or try to avoid practicing piano.

My bright spot is that I happen to be married to a sweetheart of a man who has agreed to go through the next 90 days right by my side.  He called home at lunchtime yesterday and we commiserated over our cans of tuna.  Last night we wrapped our sore muscles around each other and fell asleep.  Tonight we'll rendezvous with weights and chin-ups and try to make it through.  I am still on the fence about before and after photos but we'll see.

12 pounds is my goal.

Grumpy New Year Everyone.
From your ball of sunshine friend,


brees said...

Only 12 pounds?!?! Good for you!! I wont scare you with the number that I need to lose! I am hoping someday soon my body will let me exercise again!! You look great Kim and I am happy to see you back on the blogging bandwagon, I have missed your awesome posts!!

the holmans said...

soo cute... Yes isn't it awesome how these lovely sweets add up. Ugh I agree, i was faithful all through the Holidays on practicing Yoga, so didn't gain much but feel like everything is a bit tight. Brett drives me nuts, he is in the best shape ever. I got him p-90x for christmas and he will just keep getting younger. what can ya do? Candy, cinnimin rolls, prime rib, funneral potatoes, carmel corn, sugar cookie, ahhh the memory will hold us through, Good luck and you look awesome!

Jenny said...

MyFitnessPal ap! I have kept a detailed food diet since Monday. Good luck! I should go for 12 pounds but wimped out and declared 8! I think it may be a similar goal because I only have 8 weeks to do it.

P.S. I am currently chewing Keylime Pie Extra gum. It really does taste good:).

Meredith said...

I hear ya'. I had half a toasted pita stuffed with alfafa sprouts for breakfast, a salad for lunch, and spent over two hours making a low fat, completely-from-scratch casserole for dinner and it turned out only average. Sigh. Sounds like you're doing P90x. Good for you! It really does get better...

Angela said...

I am with ya! I've now got my detailed food journal. Please send me some of your will power...my husband is never on board with me :)

Melissa said...

I am feeling much of the same, even my stretchy material jeans are not cutting it. I am doing a 90 day mind, body fitness challenge with some friends. Book of Mormon in 90 days, and improve something of your own choice (learn a new skill) for me it is just doing some unfinished projects and the body part is your own exercize routine. I am only good at walking, which I have retired from for the snowy season, but after feeling like a blob, I strapped on my snowboots, layered like an eskimo and headed out with my friend this morning before sunrise. Cheers to bottled water and sugar free snacks!

Marianne said...

Sorry about the hot fudge but it's worth it - don't you think :) Are you doing p90? I've been sorta doing that and have been seeing muscles in my body that I never knew about before. It's kind of fun.