Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Rachel, the Worm Rescuer

Today was a rainy spring day.

The weather finally cleared enough for the boys to go to baseball practice so Rachel and I loaded up the stroller and went for a walk. I was eager to try out my new camera on the beautiful spring flowers in bloom.

We were in the middle of an important conversation about her new boyfriend (American Idol's David Archuleta) when we almost rolled over a giant worm.

When I say giant, I mean it, this guy was practically the size of a garden snake.

"Mom, we can't leave him on the path, he'll get squished" she pleaded. I rolled my eyes and parked the stroller.

It took me a minute to find a twig to pick him up with. Soon he was safely on his way underground.

We continued walking when she screamed "STOP!" "You nearly ran over a baby worm!"

"Oh boy" I muttered to myself, "this is going to be a long walk".

"Rachel" I said in my most compassionate tone, "Rain always equals worms on the sidewalk. You can't save every worm."

She disagreed. "We need worms, Mom." "They are good for the soil."

We spent the next 45 minutes saving every worm that was still wriggling. If a bird came by to try and snag dinner, we shooed it away. Who knows how many worm families have been safely reunited because of our efforts.

I'm glad that Rachel is caring. I appreciate her sensitivity and the fact that she loves creatures of every kind.

But, I think next time she wants to go for a walk on a rainy day, I will take her to the indoor track at the gym.


Funk Master B said...

Lets hope the baby birds get fed some OTHER way. ;)

Lincoln Farrell and Marilyn Barlow said...

Oh Rachel, you are so much like your Auntie Carrie. Someday I will have to tell you about Carrie and her worm story(s).
You are precious

Julie Jones said...

Kimerly, Don't tell Rachel, but David is actually Courtney's boyfriend. Sorry.