Wednesday, June 18, 2008

For the Love of Golf

How does Lincoln spell heaven?


Lincoln and Mark love the game. When Lincoln was three, Mark used his entire Father's Day allowance to buy Linc his first set of clubs.

Almost every Saturday morning in the the summertime, you can find those two at the golf course. They spend hours there hitting, chipping and putting. If Lincoln is extra lucky, they play nine holes. It is tradition that they stop for cherry slurpees on the way home.

"It's bonding time" Mark reminds me.
"I have to get good Mom because all CEO's golf" Lincoln chimes in.
"Think of it as an investment in his future" Mark says with a wink.

Hmmm Rachel and I say to each other as we watch them pack up their clubs.

Thanks to some very generous and thoughtful friends, Lincoln and Mark were able to spend yesterday at the golf course at Thanksgiving Point. They were guests at the Sorenson Champions Challenge. Golfers from our neck of the woods realize what a big deal this is.

The anticipation of this event was similar to Christmas. Lincoln was on a literal countdown of hours to the big day.

"Well, this time in sixteen hours we'll be watching the pro's."
"In about 720 minutes Dad and me will be down at Thanksgiving Point."
"Eleven hours before the tee-off."

They attended a Johnny Miller Golf Clinic in the morning where he was awed and amazed by professionals. They cheered for those in the tournament. It was practically like watching the Masters according to Linc.

They were even invited to lunch at the clubhouse where they had a real deal golf simulator. "A video game you literally play in" is the way Lincoln described it.

Linc got autographs from Annika Sorenstam, Jack Nicklaus and Johhny Miller. He even got to follow Jazzman Deron Williams for a few holes. After all that, they were able to play nine holes.

Lincoln thought he had won the jackpot about three times.

The reports since he got home have been frequent and detailed. This was clearly one of those rare and unique experiences that stay with a kid.

Thank you to friends who made this memory possible. In about twenty five years when Lincoln is retired from the MLB and is the CEO of his own sporting goods company, this will be one of his favorite childhood memories.


Christie said...


Lincoln Farrell and Marilyn Barlow said...

Dreams do come true!

Tiffany said...

Wow! LLLuucky!!!!

Funk Master B said...

Man, I coulda been there too. I'll have to get a full report.

Jana said...

No wonder my husband just told me he wants Mark to adopt him.