Sunday, June 8, 2008

Samantha Sunshine

Today we are celebrating eight months of Samantha Sunshine. Here is what we know about her so far:

She can wave hello and goodbye.

She can say mama and dada.

She loves ice cream. Yesterday when Mark was enjoying a carmel sundae at Leatherby's, Sami kept saying "Dada mmmm Dada mmmm" (translation = more, more)

She likes older men.

She is learning how to crawl.

She can play peek a boo.

She likes sitting in her highchair and snacking on a biter biscut.

She refuses to nap when the twins are home.

If no one is free to play with her, she can cook up a fake cough until we all come running.

We freely admit that we are suckers and she has us completely trained.

We are in love with her silly hair and her chubby legs.

We adore and admire her two teeth.

We can't stop kissing her.

We call her Samantha Sunshine because that is what she is.


Lincoln Farrell and Marilyn Barlow said...

I know this blog was written just for me but it is ok if others read it. I want to kiss those sweet cheeks.

Scarehaircare said...

I want to kiss them, too! Surely it just isn't for Mom since we don't get to see her daily either...

Aimee said...

She is also known as the assistant Primary secretary. (Or maybe the assistant TO the Primary secretary. ("Office" reference))

Christie said...

She is just too cute!

Melissa said...

I need more kisses!!!!!

Amy said...

She is so adorable.. It really is a blessing to have a little girl to kiss and adore.