Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Thanks Ms. Lundwall

Well 4th grade is coming to a close. Tomorrow the bell will ring for the final time on the best year of school the twins have had so far.

I could not let this year end without acknowledging their teacher, Ms. Lundwall.

She is a perfect blend of humor and kindness, mixed with high expectations and encouragement.

We have loved every teacher the twins have had from preschool on up. They have all been wonderful. But, there is something extra special about Ms. Lundwall.

You know when your kids frequently talk about their teacher, they are connecting:

"Ms. Lundwall is trying out for a part at Hale Theatre and to be a contestant on Deal or No Deal, she says that you never lose as long as you try your best."

"Ms. Lundwall thinks our class can be famous authors when we grow up."

"Ms. Lundwall has lived in Chile and Texas."

"Ms. Lundwall can do a back handspring."

"Ms. Lundwall is a good listener and problem solver."

"Ms. Lundwall is funny."

"Ms. Lundwall is a pianist."

"Ms. Lundwall is someone who I want to be like."

Mark and I have been amazed. The twins have become writers. Their stories are descriptive and thoughtful. They have enjoyed literature circles (kind of like book club for 4th graders) and reader's theatre. I have never seen them so excited about science and math.

She does a great job of building self esteem and helping them believe that they can do anything.
She even came to one of Linc's baseball games last week.

Ms. Lundwall is a treasure and I am so thankful for her influence and guidance in the lives of my twins.

She deserves so much more than a grateful and humble, "Thanks Ms. Lundwall'

But from the bottom of my heart.....
Thanks Ms. Lundwall.

1 comment:

Julie Jones said...

It makes such a difference in the life of a child when they have a teacher that goes above and beyond. It sounds like they had a wonderful year!