Saturday, June 21, 2008

Lessons In Cleaning

A couple of months ago Lincoln and I were sitting at the kitchen table having an after school snack together.

"Mom, what do you do all day while Rach and me are at school?"
"What do you think I do all day Linc?" I responded in my most non-defensive tone.
"Oh probably watch tv and stuff like that."

Hmmm I said to myself as I bit my tongue.

Right then and there it was quite clear to me that I have not done a good job of making my children work. Oh, they do regular jobs like make their beds and put their laundry away but I do 95% of the dirty work around here. They really have no idea what it takes to keep a house clean and in order.

I grew up with a mom who taught us how to clean. Since my sister Amy and I were the oldest, the bulk of the chores were ours.

Cleaning the kitchen entailed much more than doing the dishes and wiping down the table. We also cleaned the stove, scrubbed the sink with Ajax, swept the floor and then wiped down the floor with a warm cloth.

We took turns every other night, we didn't even try to get out of it. It was just something we did. Our house had a warm and friendly feeling and we were comfortable in bringing friends home anytime.

I realize now how valuable those lessons were.

So when school got out, I called an important family meeting. I told everyone to come prepared with notepads and pencils.

I rolled out the summer cleaning schedule.
I like to call it the NOW I KNOW WHAT MOM DOES ALL DAY PLAN.

Chores have increased substantially to say the least.

We are officially two weeks in and it is going great.

There have been moments of annoyance when a friend calls to play and I have to give a little shoulder shrug / eyebrow raise and ask "Are your chores done?".

There have also been moments of guilt that I am making them work too hard. I am careful to balance work with allowing them to play nearly every afternoon.

So far they haven't complained and I am very complimentary of their work.

I praise Linc's ability to fold towels like the American Flag (thanks cub scouts).

I confide in him the fact that women go crazy for a man who knows how to vacuum well.

Perhaps the best part is that there have been fewer drips since Lincoln has been in charge of daily bathroom duty.

I tell Rachel that she can clean and organize a fridge better than I can. She has an eye for detail and a good ability to do a job thoroughly.

So far it is a win / win situation. Hopefully we are on a track that will continue all summer.
My goal: when fall rolls around, Linc will be eager to go back to school so that he can have a little time off.


Scarehaircare said...

Summer chore chart is being rolled out at our house on Monday. You get positive attitudes. I get teen 'tudes and eye-rolls.

Angela said...

Yeah!! If they get bored send them to my house. My dogs don't do anything to keep my house clean in the summer :D They still leave it to me.

Melissa said...

Everything about Linc makes me laugh. Can you believe where a little bit of everyone pitching in will get you?? Way to go Mom!

michele84084 said...

Send them over to my house next!! My fridge is in dire need of a scrubbing and the upstairs bedrooms haven't been vacuumed in over a week!

What a great "life" lesson your teaching your kids!

Christie said...

Rach and Jennie are kindred spirits. Jenn gets in these "moods" to clean out the fridge or organize the pantry. We tease her that she is OCD, but the side effects are well worth it!