Monday, July 14, 2008

Dream Big

My little brother Nate (Ok so he's really Mark's little brother but I claim him) sent a song to Lincoln a few days ago. Nate knows his nephew very well. The name of the song is Dream Big.

It got me thinking.
I'm not very good at dreaming big. I'm not even great at thinking big.

Lincoln on the other hand is very good at dreaming big. We were driving home from a ball game the other night when Rachel asked a question to the family, "If you had a store, what would the name of it be?"

Mark answered and then I answered. Then Lincoln responded, "Well, I wouldn't just have a store, I would own the company and have a national chain of stores".

Today, as we were having lunch, Lincoln wanted to know if I prefer a mountain cabin with a place for horses or a beach home in Maui. I chose the Maui option.

He said, "Mom I am going to buy that for you and Daddy." "Rach and Sam can live next door". "I will come and live with you in the off season." (When the Red Sox give him some vacation time)

Lincoln is constantly asking how much a CEO of a certain company makes. When he sees property for sale he wants to know how much it will be worth five years from now and what would be the best way to develop it.

He has visions of having his own golf course in the backyard with a large swimming pool next to it. Oh and by the way, in the middle of the pool will be a three tiered water fountain.

He expects to go to Harvard on scholarship. He is confident that he could make some very wise investments. He is sure that he would be good at designing devices that police officers could use to better catch criminals.

Lincoln will also be a good philanthropist. He's got plans to build stadiums for the Boys & Girls Club of America. They will be well equipped with cool stuff for kids and all the major league teams will want to play there.

This kid can really dream big.

Mark and I have wondered if it is good for him to have such big plans. He might be crushed if he doesn't get into Harvard. He might waste time chasing crazy ideas.

Mark had a talk with him about the odds of playing Major League Baseball. Mark was gentle and sensitive about it. "Buddy, it's hard to make it to the big leagues... " Mark gave a few facts and figures about what a long shot it is.

Lincoln thought a minute, then he said with a smile, "If I can't play for the Red Sox I will OWN the Red Sox!"

It's like the songs says, "When you dream, dream big".


Melissa said...

He sounds like a GREAT kid. A kid like that WILL accomplish tons, I think. You can't accomplish it, if you don't dream it first! Way to go, Lincoln. (I know he doesn't know me, but he's still inspiring).

Aimee said...

I guess I can't blame Aubree for having such a crush on him! It's no wonder she wants to marry him!!

Lincoln Farrell and Marilyn Barlow said...

Dreams do come true!

Lincoln Farrell and Marilyn Barlow said...

We love our Lincoln!

Jana said...

It sounds like I need to keep in close contact with Lincoln. I will not be one bit surprised if he makes those big dreams come true.

Angela said...

Don't discourage big dreams. My favorite quote is "It is better to reach for the stars and land on the moon than not to have reached at all". If he reaches for the very best he is bound to great.