Sunday, July 27, 2008

You Gotta Love Summer!

Summer is my favorite time of year, hands down.
I love sunny days and starry, moon filled nights.
A walk in the park.

Tomatoes from the garden and lemonade stands.

Freckles on your nose and tan lines on your toes.

Flowers blooming, freshly cut grass.

Baseball games and dance recitals.

Dragging yourself out of bed for a sunrise run.
Sleeping in if you feel like it.
Running from roller coaster to roller coaster with your two favorite ten year olds.
Boating with friends.

Hanging out at the pool.

Barbecues. slurpees and ice cream cones that melt too fast.

The annual neighborhood breakfast.

Complete with a bike parade led by Uncle Sam.

Sure, it is hot.

Routine is gone.
It's easy to get lazy.

But overall....


Melissa said...

Amen sista!

Angela said...

You know I always felt like it took me longest to become friends with your family Kim. And now I can't figure out why. John & I seem to have such a huge amount of things in common with you. The love of summer, boating (love it!!!), dancing, baseball, the Utes (at least me), the Red Sox (John), staying in shape (don't like it but do it) and an obsession with chocolate. Although I haven't yet noticed the chatterbox jean in you and Mark particularly. Oh well a little craziness on my part never hurt anyone :)