I think for the most part, it just comes with the territory.
Bad mom days are normal, they happen.
They are for learning and growing and doing better next time.
I get bad mom days, but a bad mom week?
My first sign should have been when I showed up to Samantha's 18 month check up. Our doctor came in and said hello, then he immediately looked at Sami and said,
"Oh, not feeling well today?"
Huh? I wondered to myself.
Sure enough, a big fat ear infection.
I sat there scratching my head...
did I miss a fever, pulling on the ear, fussiness?
Apparently I did.
Nothing like putting your child through unnecessary pain to make you feel like a heel.
Rachel was my next victim.
We'd had a few late nights of baseball in a row. By Wednesday night the whole family was exhausted. So Thursday morning I decided to let the twins sleep in and go to school late. All they would really be missing was their weekly trip to the library, I told myself.
They woke up around 9:00 and got ready for school. During breakfast I had a great idea!
"Let's run over to Fantastic Sam's and get your hair cut." I said.
"I'll bet there is no line right now."
Rachel was instantly hesitant.
Already rattled that I had let them sleep in, the idea of missing one more minute of school was causing great distress.
She reluctantly got in the car.
On the drive, she reminded me that
"Bad things happen when you skip school because it is against the law".
I was right about no line at the hair place.
We zipped in and out so fast that I even offered Rach the luxury of getting her eyebrows waxed.
BAD decision. BAD, BAD, BAD decision.
This is what poor Rachie's eyebrows looked like.
I was horrified to say the least.
She could barely blink, let alone go to school.
Like I said previously, nothing like causing your child unnecessary pain to make you feel like a heel.
I came home, closed the door to my bedroom and cried.
I apologized to my poor Rachel over and over. I should have listened to her.
In all the trauma of the week I managed to forget two very important events for Lincoln.
Yes, they were clearly marked on the calendar.
Yes, people were counting on him.
Yes, I feel terrible.
Sprinkle all of this with fast food for dinners and turning a batch of whites into a lovely shade of pink and that about sums up my week.
There is some good news.
Today is the beginning of a brand new week.
Today is a fresh start, a chance to do better.
Here's to nutritious meals, white whites, wound and infection free kids, keeping commitments and no skipping school.
Here's to a good mom week.
Ohhh....I TOTALLY understand. I feel your pain....but don't worry. You are a GREAT mom (burned eyebrows and all) and you're right....today is the start of a new week! I should start posting more of my "bad mom....uh....months" yes, I have those. Keep looking up. And try to have a good day!
Sending you much love and hugs. You are right, it does go with the territory. It will get better. Your kids will forgive you.
I love your optimism! Attitude is altitude! (and thanks for being human!)
I can't believe YOU have bad mom days....let alone weeks. I think you are a fantastic mother!!! But I can completely relate---I think all mothers can.
Hope this week is a happy week for you all.
Your bad mom weeks are like most normal mom weeks! You are great and give yourself a break. It is a tough job.
So...you are human after all. ;) The one thing I love about being a mom is how easily our children forgive us and love us. It's a darned good thing!
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