Friday, February 22, 2008


I have a magnet on the fridge that says, "In the cookies of life, friends are the chocolate chips". How true that is. I am so thankful for good friends. I'm not talking about sisters or sisters in law or cousins, I mean the women in my life that have no blood or marital tie, but have been with me through the joys and occasional sorrows that make up life.

I have been blessed with good friends from the time I was young. Kirsten and Sarah were my BFFs growing up. People wondered how a set of three could get along so well. They are the ones who got me through my teenage years with never a temptation of trying alcohol or drugs. We did some crazy but harmless things. We grew up and went our different directions, but they remain in my heart.

As I look back now, I see how wonderful friends were placed in my path at the time I needed them. Tina and I were roomates while we waited for our missionaries. My friend, Trudy helped me get through my senior year of college. Shannon and Jodi are women I grew to love when we were newlyweds, just starting out.

I have so many special friends in our neighborhood. Roni is my running partner, confidant, and cheerleader. She cried with me when my dog died, she celebrated when Mark got a big promotion and she got me through four solid months of morning sickness. She is the big sister I always wanted. The day always goes better when I have a little dose of Roni.

Jenny and I have the same way of looking at things. Several times we have met at events wearing the same clothes. We pretty much agree on everything from parenting styles to vacations. Jenny was almost as happy as I was when we found out about Samantha. Typical Jenny: last week during a blizzard, she dropped off a beautiful tulip with a sweet card attached.

Mindy and Linda live across the street. Mindy has a heart of gold and I know I can call on her any time. Linda takes care of us. She is the one who waters my plants when we're out of town and she keeps us in fresh vegetables all summer long.

Michelle and Suzy are who I will call when I decide to get fashionable. Aimee is one who gets gets the job done (remember her name, she will probably be a mayor or a senator some day). Jen is far away now and I miss our long talks.

Jolynn has a Christlike heart, I admire the relationships she has with her husband and kids. Amy R. makes me want to do better, I love her example. Amy D. is a girlfriend that I love to hang out with. Tammy wins the ultimate nice person award.

Julie is a kindred spirit, I think we were friends before we came to earth. Heidi has the most positive attitude of anyone I know. Jana is quick and funny. Deborah and I will have a lot of fun watching our baby girls grow up together.

I hope these women know how much I love them. I wish I could take them all to lunch and tell them how I appreciate their kindness, their example and friendship. If I could, I would buy them a fancy lunch of their choice but for dessert, I would give them each a cookie, loaded with chocolate chips.


Aquasunset said...

Kim, thanks for your wonderful and thoughtful message. As life has taken us in all directions, I often reflect on how much fun we had, but also as you mentioned that we had such support and encouragement that destructive things weren't remotely a temptation. My life is richer for knowing you and I'm grateful for you, Kirsten, and both of your families for the love and support you always gave me.

I've been to all corners of the world from Greece to China and all places inbetween and have met amazing people along the way. A dear friend once said that "the universe gives us exactly what we need, exactly when we need it, for the ultimate growth of our souls." Just as you describe cookies in your life, or people along the path, we are given the support and encouragement we need by the loving people who come into our path.

Life is full of ups and downs but it's the people we interact with that makes the journey a rich and rewarding experience. I love you and cherish your friendship and the wonderful woman you are.

Christie said...

You are such a great writer! Thanks for sharing. I am sure that every one of those people you talked about would rave about the great friend you are. I appreciate and love you!