Friday, July 18, 2008

Confessions of a Neat Freak

I admit it.

I am somewhat of a neat freak.
I like the house in a certain order and I refuse to have any fun until everything is in its designated place.

Some people in my family have accused me of being a bit obsessive compulsive.
I differ with that observation.
I am not OCD.
I am not.
I am not.
I am not.

Today Mark and his golf clubs had a 6:00 am appointment. I heard him leave and quickly formulated a plan to get all the cleaning done while he was gone.

I started with the bathrooms. I cleaned every tub, sink, shower, mirror and toilet. With 3.5 bathrooms that is some serious scrubbing.

I polished the kitchen top to bottom including hosing down the highchair.

Furniture, lamps, pictures were dusted,
Window sills wiped down.
Beds made.

Laundry done.
I even went the extra mile and worked on the storage room.
Carpet vacuumed.
Garage and porch swept.

For my final job, I tackled the floors. We have hardwood and tile on the main level. I swept, then vacuumed then went over it all with a wet cloth. (Please note: THREE processes here)

Around 3:00 pm I finally finished.
Aaaahhhh I said to myself as I admired my hard work.

"This house is very clean!" I warned the family.
"Do not make any messes or stiff penalties will be imposed."

Tonight after dinner I put Samantha in the tub and then into a freshly washed sleeper. She crawled around behind me as I went from room to room.

Soon it was time to tuck her in.

I laid her down in her crib and this is what I saw:

So much for my three step floor routine.
Now, a girl with issues might start rescrubbing the floors. It might drive her nutty to know that there is a layer of dirt sitting there where her baby spends most of the time.

She could possibly lose sleep over the grime and obvious germ factor.

Perhaps her husband and son are away at a cub scout over nighter and her daughters are sleeping soundly in their beds. Who would know if she did a quick re-do?

I would know. And because I am not obsessive, I am not obsessive, I am not obsessive, I am going to bed now.
Good night.


Meredith said...

I'm really glad you went to bed. It made me tired just thinking about all the cleaning you did!

Angela said...

I get in those moods too. Let her be dirty. Kids need to be exposed to dirt of their immune systems won't develop - you know that. So let her be filthy. Life as a kid is more fun that way anyway.

Melissa said...

Remember when in his own defense Dad mistakenly made the comment that he doesn't sweep the floor because there's nothing on it. You and I IMMEDIATELYL chimed in at the same time, "There's ALWAYS something on the floor!"
I don't know where this mystery dirt comes from, but if you can't even get it clean, it's a lost cause for all of us!
Thanks for the laugh!
I am now going to bed!

Lincoln Farrell and Marilyn Barlow said...

I wish you could see the dirt on our floor. In the congo the wind is full of dust, the air is full of smoke and nothing is ever clean no matter how much you scrub. Just life in the Congo. At least we have tile on the floor (not dirt floors). That and a flush toilet our my prized possessions here. I too am proud of you that you went to bed. (did you wake up early to a. . . well. . . a . . .straighten up before Mark got home. If so it is ok because i t was another day, right?

Tiffany said...

You're just too cute!