Thursday, August 28, 2008


Remember the good old days when you were a kid?

For me, childhood was all about imagination.
We had no computer, no video games, no Ipods or cell phones.
Heck, video recorders were barely invented.
Sure we had some cool toys like our "Charlie's Angels" radio/walkie talkies, real wooden cradles for our dolls and of course a pogo stick.

There were also toys that weren't so great. Like the Christmas I received Skipper (Barbie's chest-less little sister). I eventually forgave Santa and moved on with my life. But that's another story for another day.
My point is, that being a kid was all about make believe not about being entertained.
Now days it seems like kids are constantly bombarded with stimulation. Sometimes I wonder if my kids are missing out on the true essence of being a kid.
I worry that they haven't had enough "escaping to another world in a card board box" if you know what I mean.
But last night my faith in imagination was temporarily renewed.

Mark was at church so we decided to go for a walk. We started singing Row, Row, Row Your Boat in a round. We then noticed that the sprinklers were on causing a small river to flow down the edge of the path. Since boats were on our minds we decided to each make a boat and race it down the river.

Bet you can't guess which one was Rachie's...
We built a dam out of small stones.

We waded through the puddles and experimented with different size leaves.

Samantha had a good time watching.

Before we knew it, nearly an hour had passed.

"Mom", Lincoln asked, "Can we come back and do this again tomorrow?"

"..........and when we get home can I play on the Wii?"

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