Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Santa and the Nerf Gun

Last Christmas, the twins confronted me.

Is Santa real?

OF COURSE! I replied.

Can you imagine a question like that from two nine year olds? What nerve.
Seven months later I am constantly stepping over proof that old Kris Kringle is the real deal.

You see, Santa his his infinite wisdom left this present for Linc:

Anyone who knows me well, knows that I would never buy such a gift for my child.

I don't allow weapons of any sort.
Lincoln begged and pleaded for a toy sword. Only after he reluctantly agreed to be Rachel's Prince Charming for Halloween one year did I allow it. And even then it was against my better judgment.

The closest thing Linc has ever gotten to a gun has been the microscopic kind that Army guys hold. He plays with them in the tub each night.

Even water guns have been banned.
So what possessed St. Nick to leave such a gift is beyond me. Not only could a nerf gun be classified as a weapon but the little nerf darts could drive a normally calm and friendly minded mom up a tree.
These things turn up EVERYWHERE.
These guys can be found in the darndest places.

They haunt me. I am on the verge of having nightmares about invasions of little orange darts.
So this Christmas, if they try to corner me into a conversation about the authenticity of Santa Claus, I will simply growl and throw a few darts their way. Enough said.


Funk Master B said...

Maybe Santa should give the kid a nerf gun with backfiring ammo. It won't kill him, but a few darts backfiring to the face will make a point.

Angela said...

I get presents from Santa every Christmas so he must be real. :)

Melissa said...

I'm sorry Kim, but I have 5, yes that's FIVE boys and I, unfortunately, have things like this ALL OVER MY HOUSE! UGH! I understand, I promise. I wish I could say my kids only had ONE toy sword, but that would be a lie. Oh well, what do I do? It's the life I've been blessed with.... :)

Melissa said...

What a cute post! What can we do when the Jolly old fella
over-rides our rules?
I do love the pics of the kids when they were younger!
Linc is the most handsome prince I've ever seen!