Friday, October 17, 2008

Lessons In Growing

You know how we all pray for opportunities to learn, to grow, to be better?

I'm not talking about the small things that people try to work on, like being a more courteous driver or returning library books on time. I am talking about those bigger tests in life that come your way every once in a while.

I got one of those unique privileges for character improvement today.

This morning we realized that Mark's golf clubs have been stolen.
It was a very serious blow.

Golf clubs are personal things to guys, almost like family. I wouldn't be surprised if he has secretly issued each one its own name.

Some of the highest highs and some of the lowest lows have been felt on the golf course. Mark and his clubs have really been through a lot together.

Not to mention the fact that it has taken him a few Father's Days and birthdays to accumulate all that gear. About $1,200.00 worth of stuff gone, vanished, disappeared without a trace.

So what do you do at a time like this?
Anger was my first reaction. I can't stand a thief.

"Get a Job!" "Don't you know where people who steal go?"
is what I grumbled to the person responsible for this injustice.

Then the thought occurred to me that maybe that person needed money to make his rent or feed his family.

Either way, it doesn't really matter.

What matters is how we respond.
One of those darn opportunities for growth was starting to emerge.

"Pray for the person" is what kept coming to my mind.
"NO" I snapped back at myself.

Finally around lunchtime I was completely annoyed with the mental conversation going on in my head. The kids and I sat down to eat our leftovers. I offered to say the prayer.

Before I knew it, I was thanking God for blessing us with so much. I asked Him to help us to forgive the guy who took dad's clubs and to bless that man.

As I said those words I felt the agitation leave me. It was gone, vanished, disappeared without a trace- just like the clubs.

But this time, something good came to replace the thing that was gone...


Melissa said...

In our house, A man's best friend is his clubs.
You did the right thing. Amazing how prayer works.

Jenny said...

How sad for Mark. How great for you to act on your feelings. I think I would have grumbled a little longer!

Jana said...

I am sure it is a little harder for Marc to feel so peaceful.
I think you are such a great example Thank you!

Julie Jones said...

Sean has a nice set of clubs that he never uses, Mark can borrow them anytime he wants. :)