Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dear Blogger Friends

Dear Fellow Bloggers,

Hats off to you!

Last night the kids were tucked into bed, the house was quiet, Mark was reading and guess what I was doing?

One of my most favorite activities....
catching up on the past week of posts.

I spent one fun hour clicking from blog to blog to blog.

I read up on:

exciting car choices,

baseball games that made me cheer out loud,

sweet husbands,

the adventures of fabric shopping,

tropical vacations,

a bike to covet (especially that seat),

the fun kind of heart attack,

waiting for baby and baby,

two of my favorite birthday girls,

one amazing mom,

and the story of an inspirational little boy that brought me to tears.

So, if you're ever wondering..

"does anyone really read this stuff?"

"who cares about my vacations?"

"do other people truly get how cute my kids are?"

The answers are:

YES! I read.
I love to hear about your vacations!
I get how adorable your children are and enjoy reading about their special moments.
If you haven't posted in a week or two, I would appreciate it if you would get busy.

If you happen to be reading this and you don't have a blog, I wish you much guilt and humbly request that you start one.
(ahem Angie, Deborah, Kim, Nancy, Jen, Sarah, Laural, Tammy, Kirsten, Roni, Nina, Amy, Mindy, Tonya)

Here's to blogs and the friends who make them worthwhile!
Thank you all!


Terry said...

Here Here! Amen! So say we all!

Melissa said...

Love it! I'm with you. I LOVE reading everyone's blogs.....they totally lift me and inspire me!

Meredith said...

Likewise. And we thought of you guys all the time while we were in Hawaii. Someday . . .

Jenny said...

Thanks for the nudges earlier on. I am more cooped up in this house than I have been in years but feel more connected to everyone since I get to read about them. Blogs are great.

Angela said...

Okay- still no blog but at least you know I care about everyone else's lives.I love reading the blogs every week :)

Amy said...

I am so glad I have an audience out there. It makes me feel supported and loved. And, by the way, even though I don't comment a lot, I visit your blog very often. You and Mark are great examples of parenting and creating a great marriage. Love it!