Thursday, December 20, 2007

A Tie and a Jersey

Saturday was Linc's first basketball game. He was so excited! Saturday was also tithing settlement. Due to circumstances beyond our control, they were scheduled within a half hour of each other. The plan was to go to tithing settlement and then straight to the game.

Mark was gone on a church assignment and I was home getting everyone ready. Mark is very strict about how we should dress when meeting with our bishop, even if it is a Saturday afternoon. We have had multiple talks over the years about how our dress reflects our reverence and respect. Rachel and I were in our dresses when Lincoln came down the stairs.

He said, "Mom, do I look ok?" I turned around to see him in his full basketball uniform with a clip on tie stuck to his jersey and his suit coat over the top of it. I simply said, "Linc, I don't think that is going to work". I reminded him about reverence and respect. He reminded me that he was wearing a tie and a coat. "Try again" I said.

Attempt #2 was a little better, a white shirt appeared over the jersey. Attempt #3 included suit pants over the shorts. I finally approved even though basketball shoes don't really go with a suit. Mark came home to pick us up. One disapproving glance was all that was needed. The gym shoes came off, the Sunday shoes went on.

When we sat down with our Bishop, the first thing he did was compliment the twins on how they were dressed. He said how much he appreciated the fact that they would take time to dress up on a Saturday afternoon. I could see Lincoln flinching. Bishop continued to praise them for their reverence and respect. Finally Lincoln couldn't take the guilt anymore. He confessed that his full uniform was on underneath his suit. Bishop lovingly assured Lincoln that there would be other times in life when he would wear a uniform under his suit and that it was ok.

I hope this was one of those little life lessons for Lincoln. I also hope that someday when he is the dad of a nine year old boy, he will remember a clip on tie stuck to a basketball jersey.

1 comment:

Scarehaircare said...

Oh my heavens, I am LOL! What a great teaching moment! What a great journal entry! You forgot to tell us dear readers how did he play? Did his team win?