Saturday, December 22, 2007

A Walk in the Snow

Thursday night another snowstorm blew into town. I had been down with the flu for a couple of days, so to get out of the house I offered to go with Mark to run a quick errand. The snow looked almost magical as it floated out of the night sky. The only thing prettier than Christmas lights, are snow covered Christmas lights.

I asked Mark if he would like to go for a romantic walk in the snow. He politely declined out of concern that I was still a little sick. (translation = the Utes were playing in a bowl game) So I invited someone who would never turn me Rachel.

"Sure!" she said, "I'd love to!" We bundled up and ventured outside. We decided to take the trail that goes around the park. The lights near the swimming pool were all on. It was so bright and beautiful. We held hands and sang "Walking in a Winter Wonderland".

We chatted about typical nine year old things such as new hair styles in her "American Girl" magazine, which boys were chasing her at recess, what she should get Linc for Christmas, how much she likes her teacher, and a new boy in her class that is very, very smart.
Eventually our conversation turned to deeper things such as the true meaning of Christmas, how much she misses her Grandma, people who are less fortunate than us, how grateful she is to be a twin and to have a baby sister. I told her how much I love her and that she is my joy.

Nearly an hour had passed so we headed for home.

"Mom" she said, "Before we go in, let's make snow angels and then take a picture so that we can remember this night"..... and that's exactly what we did.

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