Tuesday, January 29, 2008

To Wii or not to Wii

Call me old fashioned but I just don't get the big deal about video games. It seems to me that if kids have time to sit around, glued to buttons and a screen, they have too much time. Now days games can be played just about anywhere. In the car, while visiting grandparents, I have even seen kids playing their games at the library! What ever happened to singing songs in the car, talking to your grandparents and actually reading at the library?

So my poor, deprived twins only get to experience the luxury of gaming when they visit a friend, a cousin and yes, their grandparents.

For the past year, Lincoln has been trying to talk me into getting a Wii. It has been a weekly (sometimes daily) discussion. A few months ago, Rachel joined his cause so I have been bombarded with pleas from both of them.

Finally a couple of weeks ago I told them to make me a formal presentation. "This is a long shot" I warned. "You have one chance to make your case". They immediately met in Lincoln's room and set to work. After organizing all the markers and art supplies according to color (Rachel's idea) and formulating an outline (Linc's idea) they began. They have spent hours collaberating, and working together.

Last night as part of Family Home Evening, they unveiled the final product. A book entitled "Wii Would like to Play! " At the bottom of the page it says "the praposle" followed by a trademark symbol.

"Hmm, very clever" I said as I reviewed their work. The book included a table of contents.

Chapter 1.......The Wii
Chapter2.......About the Wii
Chapter 3.......Why we want the Wii
Chapter4....... Promises
Chapter 5......Drawings

They proceeded with their pitch. Taking turns, they went through all the chapters.

I hesitated to admit how impressed I was. They went so far as to change out of their p.j.s and into regular clothes and Linc even combed his hair for the occasion. They closed with a song about how much fun it would be to spend time as a family playing together. Mark just smiled and winked at me.

I thanked them for their time and effort and told them that I would take the matter into advisement. "Do you think you could get back to us next Family Night?" Rachel asked. I said I would. So now the question is, to Wii or not to Wii?


Scarehaircare said...

I held out against a Play Station until last year when The Firstborn earned half of the money and presented his own proposal about how this would bring him and The Precious Son together. True enougn, they don't fight nearly as much when playing together. Now they want a Wii and their reasoning is "look at what a great workout it is to get up and play Wii games. My answer was "what, can't you just go outside and golf, play tennis, tackle football, and get your workout the way a workout is intended?"

Hmmmmm. No response. Yet.

Funk Master B said...

Definitely Wii, but that's just mii.

Michael said...

With that proposal? Definitely. :-)

You should share pictures of it.

We have a Wii at work and I must say it is a social event during lunches. They have some of the typical video games but the fun ones are the simple ones. It's just no fun playing it alone. And yes it's a work out.

Of course, even if you say yes you still might have trouble finding one.

Cousin Nate, is that you?

Anonymous said...

I found your blog when I was looking at Aimee's and I have to comment on this post just because I feel so similarly about video games. We got a wii for christmas from Santa. I wanted something that we could all play and Cole is a huge video game player (step son). Anyway, I have to tell you - I LOVE IT!! I made sure that I had 4 of everything so that the max. number of people could play. I even take it up to my parents house when we are all getting together and they love it too. Not only that-I actually get physically soar the next day from the vigorous workout (I'm obviously way out of shape). I think it's hillarious that Rachel and Lincoln made such a good presentation. I'm not at all surprised. You will have to keep us all posted on what the executive decision is.

Christie said...

Hey, if Lincoln combed his hair....

Lincoln Farrell and Marilyn Barlow said...

What a great preparation for grandparents coming home. it will be a new experience and get us back in the groove real quick. I want to Wii

Angelica and Bryan said...

Coming from a proud owner I vote YES! It really isn't your average video game. It's much much better!

Christie said...

Another thought on the Wii...
I fought having any gaming systems at my house. However, my kids still played the games at their friend's houses. I realized that if it was at my house I had control over what games they played. We got a Playstation last year and have a set of rules complied at FHE that all family members have agreed to abide by. I must say, I love Guitar Hero. :)

Melissa said...

I've always been sceptical of video games. Hayley got a DS for Christmas. I was sure she wouldn't be addicted. One day I played it until she was begging for her turn (she made a good point that after all, it was hers) I handed it over and within a few minutes the battery was flashing. I'd run it down. That's when I realized I was the addict. Needless to say, I got one for my b-day and we have lots of fun playing each other. After the kids are in bed, Marcus and I battle it out on Mario Kart or street racing. So... Wii'd say YES!