Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year Resolutions!

I am the first to admit that I do not have many obvious talents. I'm not really musical, creative or artistic. Although I graduated from college with good grades, I don't consider myself particularly smart. Overall, I am pretty average at things and I'm ok with that. However, there is one thing that I have done extraordinarily well for the past twelve years..... I keep new year's resolutions. While I am not perfect at it every day, I try hard.

There are three main reasons why I manage to keep them:
#1 I only set one goal, two at the very most.
#2 I only set goals that are reasonable for me.
#3 I tell Mark what they are so that I have some accountability.

Some past resolutions have been:
Smile and say hello to the cashier before he / she says it to me.
Be the most courteous driver in my state.
Take my father in law's trash cans out before he can take mine out. (We are next door neighbors)
Be 20 minutes early to church each week.
Read the Book of Mormon three times in the year.
Put more thought and preparation into dinner.
Improve table manners. (That year I bought stemware for adults and a child size set for the twins, we used cloth napkins too. By then end of the year we only had one child size glass left but the manners were greatly improved.)
Double our fast offerings, then double them again.
Go on special dates with Lincoln & Rachel.

This year I narrowed it down to three major areas that need work. I thought it over and decided to go with a fitness goal. I want 2008 to be the most fit year of my life so far. I need to lose the last twelve pounds from having Samantha and I want to eat healthier. I want to run a few races this summer and maybe even a half marathon. I want to lift weights regularly and get toned.

This morning I registered for an 8 week challenge at I also did the unpleasant task of taking my measurements which made it easier to avoid the temptation of having a brownie for breakfast.

I'm excited to get moving. Here's to a great 2008!


Aimee said...

Wow! No brownie for breakfast. You are really depriving yourself!

Anonymous said...

We got the Biggest Loser books for Christmas and love them. They have great ideas in them and some good "do at home workouts" which I am sure you will enjoy. We have learned a lot about our bodies and eating better. Good luck!
