Friday, April 11, 2008

Non Blogger Memo

Dear Non Blogger Family and Friends,

How are you? It has been a while since I have heard what's new in your neck of the woods.

Take this week, for example. Your old pal, Kimberly was under the weather. There is nothing like a few days in bed to get you thinking.

You start to wonder..... How is my dear east coast cousin?
What are my favorite childhood friends busy with theses days?
What is the weather like out there in Iowa?
How are the kids? Potty training, preschool, high school?
The husband's new job?
For my single friends, the dating scene? World travels? Job adventures?
How is that marathon training coming along?

Hmmmm I said to myself. How great it would be if I could make a quick blog visit. It would really make this whole sick in bed thing worthwhile.

But, alas non bloggers, I could not.

Don't feel bad.

I know what you're thinking.

You don't have time. (It takes less than an hour per week!)
You're not great with a computer. (Me either!)
You are concerned about privacy. (You can restrict your blog if you like!)

Maybe most of all, you're thinking who really cares about your home improvements, trips to Disneyland, or how much time you spend running around in the car?


At least one morning each week, I sit down and read what is new with my blogger friends.

Come on, join the club!
You can do it!
It's fun!
You'll have a record of your adventures!

Most of all, you will have a very happy friend.

Very sincerely yours,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree Kimberly. I LOVE reading the blogs of my family and friends and wish that they would all join in.