Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Mom Guilt

If I die an early death, it will most likely be due to two words: Mom Guilt.

I wonder how much time each day I spend worrying or feeling guilty about my motherly skills.

It is almost hard to measure because it is always there.

Food is a big mom guilt for me. Each night I review what they ate. Was it healthy enough? Was is too processed? Did we sit down together and have our meals? Did Lincoln get enough fiber?

Take last night, for example, we were at a baseball game until nearly 7:00. By the time we got home and the twins showered up, it was getting late. Mark and I weren't hungry so I pulled a bad mom move. I told the twins to each choose a Lean Cuisine out of the freezer. I thought the orange juice on the side was a nice touch.

Hmmm said Lincoln when he looked over his shrimp scampi. "This is not how it looks on the box."

Immediate mom guilt set in.

I mean would it really have been so hard to grill up a couple of chicken breasts and throw a salad together? The least I could have done was wash some apples and grapes to accompany the frozen stuff.

Food is just the tip of the iceberg.

Did they brush their teeth?
Are the learning to be responsible?
Did they get enough sleep?
Did I kiss and hug them enough times today?
How are their grades?
Do they have enough fun in their lives?
Are they honest?
Are they kind?
Will they be good citizens?
How are their manners?
Do they know how to work hard?

I am telling you, it is enough to make a person nutty.

Sometimes, I get to the end of the day focused on all the things I need to do better. Then to keep a good balance, (and keep my picture out of the obituary section) I ask myself:

Do they know that I love them?
Do they know that I think they are amazing?
Do they know that I respect and adore them?
Do they know that they are the loves of my life?
Do they know that I am their biggest fan?

YES. They know.

At the end of the day, that is what matters most.


Aimee said...

Kimberly, you are one of the best mom's I know. I would love to be the kind of mom you are. At least you didn't let them eat a ding dong for dinner or Cocoa Krispies with whipped cream (and whatever else you add). You are wonderful!!

Christie said...

Ugh, Mom guilt! It keeps me up at nights.

Wendy said...

Kimberly, you make me have mom guilt (haha). Seriously, though, I wish I was more like you as a mom. From what I read on here and what I know about you as a person, I know that you are a GREAT mom!! You inspire me. I mean that.

Amy said...

Kimberly- you are an awesome mom... You inspire me to do better. Don't be so hard on yourself- you can't be perfect all the time. You are the best.