Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My name is Kimberly

My name is Kimberly. K-I-M-B-E-R-L-Y.

I have an addiction to sugar.

I have never met a donut, brownie, cookie, pie, candy bar or ice cream that I didn't become fast friends with.

You know those store bought cakes with the big colorful frosting flowers made from shortening and sugar?

You know how some people scrape those off their cake?

Not me.

I will strategically stock a corner piece with as many flowers as possible.
I am ashamed to admit that I have even stolen flowers from other peoples' pieces.

One day I ate an entire tub of frosting spoonful by spoonful.

Are you starting to understand the depth of my problem?

A couple of months ago I stepped on the scales and realized that I was out of control.
Seven extra pounds were in unwelcome places.

I had a personal intervention with myself. I looked in the mirror and said,

I cut out all treats.

It was not easy. In fact, it was one of the most difficult things I have ever done.

I went through withdrawls. I developed headaches. I was grumpy and impatient.
Progress was painfully slow at first.

After a couple of weeks I added a few things back, but in a different way.

I learned how to make low calorie desserts and I discovered Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches. Sometimes I would even eat a regular dessert but limit it to three or four bites.

I am here today, 12 pounds lighter. Yep, an even dozen.

Oh I'm still white and jiggly, but I'm ok with that. The bigger accomplishment is that I can eat desserts responsibly.

Last week I declined the offer of a sugar cookie. Saturday night we went out to dinner with friends and although we ordered the sinful seven layer cake, I only had a few bites!

I took myself out shopping and to get my hair done to celebrate, because seven weeks of responsible sugar intake should be rewarded.

My name is Kimberly. I am addicted to sweets. I am conquering this evil habit. If you are struggling with this issue, I urge you to get help. Call me, I'm here for you.


Anna said...

12 pounds woohoo! Have you been doing weight watchers, I can't remember?

Lincoln Farrell and Marilyn Barlow said...

There are only so many pleasures here in the DRC and chocolate is number one. Homemade ice cream is number 2. Please help me!!!!!

Kimberly said...

I didn't like watching everything I ate on WW. Instead I cut the sugar, cut the portions, put on my running shoes and got moving.

Melissa said...

I tagged you, go to my blog for the rules. P.S. Congrats on the dozen, or is it a baker's dozen now?

Aimee said...

Oh Kimberly, you totally make me laugh! What a fun writer!! I can completely relate to the sugar addiction. I go through phases, so I will call you next time and we can go to Schmidts and eat those big sugar cookies, the mint sandwiches, and the eclairs. ha ha! (For FHE one night we took the kids there and let them pick one thing. I secretly chose three. (How can you pick just one??)Matt never let me hear the end of it.

Anonymous said...

Well Kimberly, if you want to know the truth, my name is Michelle and I am ADDICTED to Carbs. I can't get enough Bread. If there isn't bread or a roll, or biscuit on my plate at dinner, it just isn't complete. How horrible is that- my thighs and my tummy show just how horrible it is!

Good for you!!