Tuesday, September 16, 2008

17 Years, 17 Things I've Learned

After seventeen happily married years, I've learned a few things that I would like to pass on to those newlyweds just starting out:

1. A tiny apartment is a very good thing.

2. It's ok to be broke when you are blissfully in love.

3.Start out with a double bed. You will quickly learn how to sleep curled up in each other's arms. Seventeen years later you will still sleep that way.

4. Don't get your feelings hurt if he doesn't like what you cooked. Most of the time he will eat it anyway and he will appreciate your efforts.

5. When you build your first home, make sure they frame it around the 4th of July. This will allow you to climb up on to the second floor and watch the fireworks. You will always remember that moment.

6. If you decide to drive all night to Las Vegas, PLEASE stop in St. George for gas. Running out of gas at 2:00 am in the middle of the desert is not a great idea.

7. Wait a little while before you have kids. Enjoy each other.

8. When the nurse calls to say that the pregnancy test is positive, sit down on the kitchen floor and cry tears of joy together.

9. Get a dog. Preferably a black pit bull.

10. Read scriptures and pray together each and every day. Something will feel different if you miss, so make it a priority.

11. When you get frustrated, do not raise your voice or say anything unkind. Learn how to work things out without being hurtful.

12. If you happen to marry a "saver" type, just go along with it. The day will come when you will be glad he is that way.

13. Forgive the fact that you will be picking up his socks every day for the rest of your life. He in turn will forgive you for backing his car into a pole, throwing out his favorite basketball shoes and turning his white clothes pink on occasion.

14. Learn to like basketball, baseball and golf. It is ok to draw the line when it comes to football.

15. Kiss and hug him in front of the kids. Tell them how great their dad is.

16. Support him in the things he likes to do, especially golfing with his buddies. He will make sure you get regular pedicures and nights out with your girlfriends.

17. Make it a point to thank him for the life you have together. Tell him that you think a little gray hair is very sexy, that you love his blue eyes and sweet smile. Make sure he knows that you appreciate how hard he works, what a great dad he is and that he is your favorite. person. ever.


Aimee said...

Kimberly, that photo is hilarious!! I can't believe how much Mark looks like Nate in that picture.

Melissa said...

That is exactly how I remember you guys looking from high school. And actually you haven't changed a bit (except for the haircut, which I've yet to see a picture of :)--JK). Thanks for that post, by the way. It was wonderful. We just had our 17th anniversary in April, and I echo your sentiments.

Alicea said...
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Alicea said...

You two haven't aged a bit wow! Those are priceless tips of advice...I seriously am taking notes. Congrats!

Shirlene said...

Wow....17 years??!!! Congrats!
I love the wedding photo, especially since I didn't know you guys then. Mark does look a lot like Nate in the pic. It's obvious that you and Mark do have a great marriage!

michele84084 said...

Goodness! Is that Lincoln and Rachel dressed up? Those good-looking kids look like their parents!

Congrats on 17!!

Julie Jones said...

I think it is YOU who needs to give ME your anti-aging secrets!