Monday, September 29, 2008

Dads and Daughters

I have a question....
What is the deal with daughters and their complete devotion to their dads?

Since the very day that Rachel was born she has been a daddy's girl.

When the twins were four months old Mark had to spend the week in Boston on a business trip. We dropped him off at the airport and the moment he got out of the car she started to cry.

The crying continued on and on, day after day.

I took her to the doctor. No ear infection, no fever, nothing wrong.
The crying continued. By day three Lincoln and I were both on the edge.

My neighbor came over and took the babies to her house one afternoon so that I could sleep. It was pretty much the longest week of my life.

Finally it was time to pick up Mark from the airport. Rachel screamed all the way there. Exhausted and exasperated I pulled up to the curb to help Mark load his bags.

He peeked inside the car. The moment Rachel saw him, the crying ceased. Instantly, immediately- no more crying.

Ten years later nothing has really changed. She cries when he goes out of town, she will stay awake waiting for him if he has a late night at church or work. He probably has enough love notes and pictures to fill a trunk.

Just about every day she tells him how handsome he is. She is fiercely protective of him. Don't even try to correct him, even if you say it in a friendly way, she will rush to his defense. Mark just smiles and gives me a wink.

She makes sure that her dad is always taken care of. She is in love with him. She truly, completely, whole heartedly adores him and I can't really blame her.

When we found out that we were expecting Samantha, Mark confessed that he would like another daughter. He cheered when we knew a little girl was on the way.

"Not all daughters are like Rachel", I warned.
"This type of devotion is rare".

Samantha is nearing one year old and guess what?

She cries when Mark leaves. During the day she crawls over to the garage door and bangs on it saying "Da-eee, Da-eee". She cuddles him, kisses him and gives him loves.

I see it, I know what's coming.
Rachel Jr, that's what.

My best friend Kirsten reassures me that her daughter is the same way. I've seen my friend Julie's daughters with their dad.

Mark is quick to remind me that me and my four sisters think that our dad is the smartest man on earth. Definitely smarter than our five husbands combined.

"That's different" I argue. "Our dad really is that smart!"

Apparently, this is not new or unique.

Don't get me wrong, I am not really complaining.
Just a simple question......

What is it with daughters and their dads?


Melissa said...

This is probably the same question Mom asks. Who do you call when after you ask your husband, but want to make sure?? D-A-D

Scarehaircare said...

THe Love Magnet is a Daddy's girl. Her first word was "Dad". She yells and runs to the back door as soon as she hears that garage door open, yelling "Daaaaaaaad!" all the way down the stairs. When we go out, she doesn't mind if its my girls night out. If her Daddy is going then she wants to go, too. When he isout of town, she lives for his nightly phone call home.

She wants me when she is sick. Go figure.

Aimee said...

I remember sleeping in a hotel room with you and Rachel in Arkansas. We listened to Rach cry when she was going to sleep. She missed her daddy.

That is a really great photo of Mark!

Marianne said...

That's why I think we need a GIRL! Britt needs that kind of connection because the boys are still pretty loyal to mom....

Jenny said...

What a great story. That picture is priceless. I feel that way about my dad too!

Julie Jones said...

Sean and Courtney seem to be in their own little world sometimes. They both think the other is the most hilarious person in the world!

Meredith said...

Yep, we've got a couple of those at our house too. Great pictures.