Recap of week #1 on Weight Watchers:
Number of donuts eaten: Zero
Number of M&M's: Nil
Number of cookies: Zilch
Slices of cake: Zip
Bites containing whip cream: None
Handfuls of chocolate chips from the pantry: Not even one
Miles ran: eight
Miles walked: twelve
Number of times weights lifted: two (not including the 15 pounder in the pink socks that can often be seen in my right arm)
Number of support groups attended: one
Pounds lost: ZERO (as in nil, zilch, zip, none, and not even one)
Number of times I wanted to throw my hands up in disgust: 200
Number of times I fell off the wagon and drowned my sorrows in a colossal slice of cheesecake: one
Here we are back to the beginning of another long week.
Kim- Hope you don't mind me crashing your blog. Amy told me about it and I had to check it out. So cute!
Anyway- I KNOW how you feel. It's all about the inches, not the weight, right? Just think about all the muscle your building! Reading about that many miles makes my legs ache. I think it is marvelous week one!
If it makes you feel any better, I gained 1 lb on my first week of WW. Both times (when Lauren was 1 and this past fall). Give your body time to adjust. Check you salt intake (sometimes your body will sib a salt craving for a sugar one). Try to cut out all processed foods and stick to made-from-scratch. This is from your loving sis-in-love who also has been known to drown her sorrows in her favorite dessert - cheesecake, of course.
Blog crashing friends welcome here!
Let me try again (I just typed a comment and it some how got erased). So, I too joined ww when Sammy was only 2 weeks old. I was bound and determined to lose the 50 lbs I gained during his pregnancy by the time he was 2 months old. Let's just say that after 6 weeks and only about 8 lbs I was sufficienly depressed and gave up. I'm back to eating pretty much what I want in moderation and have resigned myself to the fact that it will take about a year to get back into the 50 pair of size 6 jeans sitting in a container in my closet and in the mean time I have purchased some loose fitting shirts to hide the tire around my middle. I will admit that once again I am envious of you.
WOW! You're doing it!!!
(I feel like I'm cheering as much as I do when Mariah goes toto-potty!!)
Keep it up, you're strong!
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