Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Long Week

I have an addiction. Addiction is a word that I do not say lightly. I know that some people have very real struggles with drugs, alcohol, smoking, etc. and I truly put myself in the extreme category. My addiction is anything sweet. I cannot stay away from candy and desserts of every kind.

I am pretty good about exercising. I lift weights regularly. Last week I walked a couple of days with my friend Roni, went for a few runs on my own and Rachel and I walked a total of ten miles together. That sounds impressive, but it is not enough to remove these last 7 pounds.

The problem is that I will run four miles and then come home and treat myself to a big slice of cake. I have no problem downing two donuts for breakfast, a brownie for lunch and several Hersheys Kisses for snacks followed by a Rice Krispie Treat for dinner. My favorite all time concoction is Cocoa Krispies mixed with Cool Whip, drizzled with chocolate syrup and topped with chocolate sprinkles. (I thought of this recipe all on my own)

Mark has that little internal switch that tells him when he has had enough sweet. I don't. My body has the extraordinary ability to consume sugar. I don't get stomach aches, headaches and I haven't had a cavity since 1994. The phrase "too rich" is foreign to me.

I have tried to cut down for years now and I can't stop myself. Don't get me wrong, I eat good foods too. I stay away from regular soda, fried foods and chips. I will have a salad for lunch with no croutons or cheese and hardly any dressing on it so that I can justify the ding dong that will follow. I only allow my family to have treats very sparingly because I know this is not healthy. I want to skip the desserts but I can't stop.

So, last week I said to myself. "Enough is enough!" There was only one thing to do. I had to find a twelve step program of sorts, so I joined Weight Watchers. I marched into the office near my home. I paid my $109.00. The nice lady weighed me. I received my booklets and I went to my first meeting.

My first weigh-in will be on Friday, so this week I have gone cold turkey. Sunday will be my free day to eat one dessert. Last night was a true test of commitment when our friends dropped off a big plate of homemade chocolate chip cookies. I had to leave the room while everyone else enjoyed them.

I am going on day two with no sweets. This is hard, really hard. I will probably get grumpy and develop a headache from with drawls. Any suggestions would be helpful. Roughly 120 hours until Sunday..... it's going to be a long week.


Scarehaircare said...

I've been doing WW, too, and I've lost 15 with 34 to go. My problem isn't sweets. Its lack of exercise and too many carbs. the best thing that has worked for me so far is drinking a lot of water and brushing my teeth after every meal. I share all desserts. I"ll send you some low points dessert recipes I've been collecting.

Anna said...

my problem is sweets, carbs and lack of exercise! Though the exercise thing has been getting better. Desserts are by far the hardest thing for me. I'm excited to see your progress! If you can do it, then maybe I can do it to!

Melissa said...

I will say there is a huge difference in being thin and being fit. You are doing your heart & muscles a world of good with the exercise, so keep up the great work. I think if you are watching every other area as close as you are then maybe sweets shouldn't be so far removed. You are creating a lifestyle, not just shedding a few pounds to reach a number. Maybe try snacking on some bubble gum. Cotton candy, watermelon and strawberry are my favs. The flavor doesn't last long, but it may satisfy the craving. Although I laughed at your post (your homemade dessert is extremely creative) I know how hard it is to resist foods that you shouldn't eat. With Crohn's I have to be very careful every day and it is challenging. Most of the time it comes down to the simple question of: Is it worth it?
I thing you look great and am confident you will be successful.

Tiffany said...

Wow, I'm proud of you! Emma says you have "big will-power". You look great always (I would have never guessed you had and extreme sweet-tooth). Maybe that's why your personality is so sweet.

Funk Master B said...

(yes you can pretend i'm yelling this)

... probably too rich for me though.

Jana said...

I find it very comforting to know that someone has the same problem with sweets that I do. You do a much better job of hiding your addiction with your figure than I do however. I have found that getting rid of whatever treat is too tempting is best. Taking a plate of lets say homemade cookies to some friends works really well... SORRY!!
I am glad that Mark and the kids enjoyed them though.
I found when I did W.W. it was good to have some treats that were really low points so that I did not have to feel deprived. I have a great brownie recipe that is only 1pt if you are interested.