Monday, March 31, 2008

Grandma & Grandpa

Saturday night we took ourselves out to Leatherby's for some serious ice cream cones. I knew it would put a dent in the 4.8 pounds I have lost but there are certain milestones that need to be celebrated with rocky road.

Grandma and Grandpa reaching the year mark on their mission is one of those occasions.

They have been serving a humanitarian mission for our church in the DR Congo, located in the heart of Africa. They have given up all the comforts of home to serve the people there. When I say all the comforts of home, I mean it. No ice cream among other things.

What would make two newly retired grandparents pack up a couple of suitcases and head to the other side of the world?

Why would they leave their family and friends and a beautiful home to travel to an area of unrest and poverty at their own expense?

This past year we have needed them. We have had to get through difficult times without them.

There has been the loss of a nephew and next month, a precious granddaughter will undergo open heart surgery. Grandma Sanders can no longer live on her own and hard decisions had to be made.

They have missed the births of two new grandchildren, not to mention all the baseball games, football season, school programs, piano recitals, birthdays and Christmas.

Rachel still cries for Grandma sometimes and just a few weeks ago Lincoln fell asleep with a picture of him and Grandpa.

Some folks might scratch their heads and wonder why they left.

Not us.

Why know why. It is because of the love of God that fills their hearts. They have a testimony of Jesus Christ, they love him, they want to do the things that He would do.

They have fallen in love with the Congolese people. They are not afraid to dig in and work hard. They are changing lives and giving hope to the weary.

Maybe the most important reason of all is the example they are setting for the rest of us. We are left without excuse. They inspire us to do better, try harder.

Our extended family has been blessed because of their faithfulness. I think we have grown closer together. We have had opportunities to serve Grandma Sanders, we have leaned on each other more, our children have learned lessons about love and compassion.

Six months from now, they will come home and this adventure will be over. In some ways, it will be hard for them to leave. We understand that. But we can't help but look forward to the day when we can pick up Grandma and Grandpa and head to Leatherby's for some serious ice cream. I think I'll order rocky road.


Aimee said...

Kimberly, I think you should've been a writer. This made me cry... probably mostly because I just finished reading Farrell and Marilyn's blog and that made me bawl! What a great family!!!

Funk Master B said...

No more Leatherby's without me.

Scarehaircare said...

Count me in on some serious ice cream therapy. I really miss Mom and Dad right now as we get ready for the heart surgery, but I told them that I need the blessings of them being there. They have opened our eyes to so many blessing we had previously taken for granted.

BTW, when I go to Leatherby's, I always order the Turtle Pie. Their caramel sauce is the best.