Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Spring Fling

What to do when you realize that spring break is almost here and you have not arranged for a trip to a warm and sunny destination? Don't panic, stay home and have spring fling!
First, go to the dollar store. Buy up all the flowers, ribbons, stickers and spring things you can find to decorate with. PS don't forget bright colored shades for the lights!

Next, think up five ways to celebrate the word F-L-I-N-G.

Put those ideas in carefully crafted top secret envelopes to be opened one per day.

Now, go to it!

F: Fabulous food and fashions! Take the family for dinner at Chick-Fil-A (ok so maybe fab is too strong a word) and then it's new clothes for everyone!

L: Laughs and lunch. Lunch at Chilis and the to the Horton movie.

I: Ice cream because I love you. Sonic m&m and butterfinger blasts worked great.

N: Never a better Hero. A special family home evening lesson about Jesus.

G: Green grass getaway. Picnic at the park.

Throw in a couple of Easter egg hunts, dinners with cousins, a grandkids' party and you've got a pretty good spring break.

Vacations.... who needs them.


michele84084 said...

Kim- you are amazing! What a fun idea. We just did plastic spongebob eggs....

Funk Master B said...

I had fun saturday with the twins. Good Easter.

Aimee said...

You didn't give me your ideas in time! Our spring break was kinda boring!!

Lincoln Farrell and Marilyn Barlow said...

Save that trip for when we get home! The pic of Linc and Hyrum was priceless. Spring? What is that? Here we have two seasons, wet and dry.