Thursday, March 13, 2008

Try This!

Thank you to friends who have sent notes of encouragement and recipes!

I was on my way to a private date with Mr. Proform (not Mark, my treadmill). I happened to pass the office on my way. Since I was there I decided to check my email. (Can you sense the procrastination factor?) Boy am I glad I did! Look at the goldmine my friend Julie sent!

Easy, Yummy Cake
Just combine a cake mix, a can of soda and two egg whites
Here are popular combos:
Spice cake mix w/ diet orange
Banana cake mix w/ diet root beer
Lemon cake mix w/ diet 7-up
Chocolate cake w/ Diet coke
Lemon cake w/ Diet ginger ale
Orange cake w/diet Mountain Dew
Cherry chip cake w/ A& W diet Cream
Lemon cake w/ Diet Lemon lime
Angel w/ Diet Orange
White w/ Diet Orange
Yellow cake w/ Diet orange
White cake w/ Diet Peach
Spice cake w/ diet lemon-lime
White w/ diet ginger ale
Chocolate cake w/ Diet cherry coke
devils food w/ diet vanilla coke
chocolate cake w/ diet rootbeer
marble cake w/ diet cream soda
lemon with tangerine diet rite
white cake mix w/ diet sprite
Red Velvet w/ Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper
Banana cake w/ diet root beer
Pineapple cake w/ diet Squirt

For the frosting, Julie adds one box of SF FF instant pudding to 8 oz of lite cool whip. No milk, just the dry mix. Cream cheese is her favorite, but any flavor could be matched up to your cake flavor. One reasonable slice is about 1 point.

It just so happened that I had a chocolate cake mix, a can of diet coke and two egg whites lying around, so I tried it out. YUM! I put a spoonful of cool whip on top and enjoyed. MMMMMM, thanks Julie!


Melissa said...

I feel like I can see you smiling!

Anna said...

FYI: you don't need the egg whites.
My husband and I make this: chocolate cake mix, diet coke, sprinkle chocolate chips on top, bake as normal. No frosting. Double chocolate, mmmm I want one now!

Anonymous said...

you have got to be kidding - a chocolate cake mix and some diet coke?! I can't believe that it would even taste remotely good. I just happen to have both (and the needed ch. chips) on hand (every good mormon housewife has diet coke on hand always right?). I had better get to work. Thanks kim and Anna - who ever you are.